Sunday, January 07, 2007

Family and a Wedding

So I've not been so good about keeping up with the blog this time around? I don't know if its lost its novelty--or if I've before just relied on writing when I've been out of town. However, I am convinced that everyday life can in just as interesting, so I will try to show that more often.

However, back to my usual self, I'm writing about a trip.
Houston, Texas

I drove down to Houston this Friday and back Saturday afternoon for 2 friend's from Bangkok's wedding.
I spent Friday evening with my cousin and his wife on the outskirts of town. Its amazing how you can be related to someone, spend important days of the year with them and still never really know them. I was a bit surprised to see some of their approach to life. I often found myself talking to him like I'd talk to any person I was I'd just met at school---and found to be a little too "cool" and crazy for my style....but I was still attempting to get along, using the lingo I could and laughing at what seemed appropriate. It wasn't overly awkward--just eye opening and a different side of family than I'd seen before that point.
Regardless, after some drinks at home we went out to the Rice Village where I'd been with A. Rachelle before to an Indian restaurant and a bar. Interesting to see what the "scene" is at age 35 as well.

The wedding Saturday morning was about 30 minutes from their house (still in Houston, its like LA, just huge) at a Chinese Lutheran Church. I hadn't realized the size of Houston's China Town. The man getting married was Chinese American, nonetheless.
--It was a very special, community wedding. It was obvious that a lot of the members from the church had come out and considered this to be a very important event for their church community.
The reception was also beautiful....I got to sit with 2 girls from Carrie's law school and 3 people from their Ethiopia Trek (including the director, director of my Trek as to do an alumni study on people coming out of that program....all doing amazing things!).

Some funny faux paus that wouldn't have worked in any stressed-bride wedding.....but because carrie and irwin are so low-key.....we all just laughed.
---the candle girl couldn't get the candle to stay someone chased her down the aisle with a lighter.
---no bible on the pulpit to read the bible passages...a guy from the band gets up and hands it to him....funnier than it sounds
---they each had the wrong ring...there was a tricky switch around before the vows
--irwin starts repeating his vows....looking at the pastor....who then turns and tells irwin..."tell her, not me"

good times with good people

long drive to and from....but definitely worth it.

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