Monday, January 08, 2007

Book: God in the Flesh

This book was a Christmas present. If I didn't know better, I'd take it as an insult....however, those who love you must discipline you as well. (the book addresses this issue as well, funny enough)

This book, again, as many other pieces of Christian literature, considers the character and personhood of Jesus as central. Until Jesus becomes the center of our thoughts and actions....we're missing the mark. Well aren't we always missing the mark......

But looking at Jesus and how he's represented in scripture, the author talks about the "black letters"--how people respond to Jesus and what he does. Its a very interesting look at the Bible.

Some examples....(common reactions and representations of Jesus):
~~"They were caught in amazement" the complete otherness of Christ
~~"They worshiped him"....the question, is it the real Yahweh inside of us?
~~"He spoke we authority," they became silent
~"They fell down before him"
~~Jesus's compassion: gentle, humble, weeping
~~They brought the sick to him
~~They left their nets and followed him

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