Friday, August 29, 2008

21 Days in the Dorms: Days 3-6

I apologize for not being so on top of my posting!

Through tabling on campus, flyering in the dorms and visiting with cookies, we have continued to build a long contact list!
We hung in the dorm Wednesday night until late, enjoying a common room and some casual conversation with people in the halls.

If nothing else we're building up face time and some friendly images as people who bring cookies and good cheer.

Our interest meeting in our dorm is scheduled for Tuesday 8:30pm, location TBA, pray for a place!
And pray for ways to pull together and build community there!

Monday, August 25, 2008

21 days in Darnall: Day 2

Today we attended the Protestant Student opening service where there's a chance to meet new students who are looking for Christian Fellowship.
We met two girls and a guy from Darnall hall who were interested in a Bible study.

Beyond that, found some facebook pages online listing different students living in the dorms!

Pray for opportunities to make contact with more students!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

leadership retreat georgetown

21 Days in Darnall: Day 1

Freshman move-in day!

We followed in groups of students and wandered around the dorm. A great friend and prayer partner from college came and prayed for campus and Darnall in specific!
We met the chaplains in residence, Episcopalian and Catholic adults who were super friendly and excited to help us facilitate a Bible study in the dorm along with helping us meet students! Major blessings.

Got to see the student leaders of the dorm Bible study Claire and Alex around campus today. Alex and I went to buy tape to put flyers up.....then realized the book store line was over an hour long! We walked up to the front and talked a mother into adding our tape onto her order. Turns out her son lived in Darnall too!

Both Claire and Alex have been super enthusiastic and I'm really blessed to be working with them! Alex and I even bought Darnall residence hall t-shirts on our way out--now people will really think we're freshmen!