Thursday, December 21, 2006

12/19 Book: "Girl Meets God"

Lauren Winner. Could she be the only mildly acceptable "emergent" Christian female writer? I know I'm forgetting others...but really, where are the women? We've got Donald Miller, Rob Bell, Shane Claiborne, Brian MClaren.....where are the girls in this "conversation?"

Well, needless to say, I love Lauren Winner. Either its her wit or her amazing ability to mix the reverent/irreverent without a second glance....the woman experiments with orthodoxy, first Jewish then finding Jesus. She talks about blending her identites.....while of course always being funny enough to discuss her Southern Jewish heritage, latest boyfriend, or confessional.

I know some of my friends didn't like her "Real Sex" box; however, I found this to be not only the most helpful but also most revelant sexuality/dating Christian book I'd ever read.
--I've met her, I think we could get along.

1 comment:

Becka said...

good word! i just read lauren's book a couple of months ago, and really liked it....but i'm wondering too, where all the women writers are from this "new" movement...are we too busy, or have we just not seen the need yet? i'm in no way well versed in all of this...i'm somewhat just starting to read the books and learn about the communities and ideas and it's awesome...but we need some women's voices! well, the door's wide should jump in! =)