Wednesday, December 13, 2006

12/13 Life falling into place?

Ever start to feel like life is falling into place, like people are finally starting to understand you? That life is starting to line up?

Is it weird I feel those feelings and feel the weariness that maybe its all too good to be true? All too right? Has the Christian fatalism within me forced me into thinking when things seem to slide into place, that suddenly things are too easy, requiring no work or effort from me? That of course, the story always ends with God forcing in a 180 turn.

Today I walked around a struggling neighborhood in DC. For one, it seems wrong to say the word struggling when I don’t know anyone living there, I’m completely basing it off of judgment calls. But let’s just say the world would call this a struggling place. And somehow it felt right. It felt like another version of what I’ve found in other places, a slower pace pervades in an often fast urban culture. Feels like this could be a more established community versus what pushes around DC everyday, interns fighting for a place, everyone dressed in all black, rushing around town.

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