Sunday, July 02, 2006

6/29/06: DC with Three Friends.

This past 4 days I’ve have the privilege of getting to spend time with 3 friends, of mine, all separately providing something different for me. Let me describe them, funny if anyone can guess who they are.

My first friend has been my friend a long time. A very calm and calming person. This person, the more I spend time with them the more I value their place in my life. Not the kind of person, on further reflection, that I’m usually friends with at all. Despite some inherent differences, this person doesn’t seem to reject me too often. We make good companions for one another, this person is very easy, at least for me, to just “be” with in some sense or another. The character of this friend unfolds for me over time as well, I see how they express their care for me through what the love languages people would say are the gifts of acts of service and quality time. Though sometimes part of me can be easily offended by my friend not always wanting to listen to my long stories or ideas, taking a step back, I see they really do care, though in a different way. This person is loyal and will be a great provider someday, saying much with their actions. I’m glad we got to spend a lot of time together this past week, it was good to reconnect with someone familiar, chill out a little, and just enjoy this person’s company.

My second friend, is energetic and enthusiastic. This person, though, when not buzzing off of sheer joy and love of life, has a very caring side. It was wonderful to reconnect with this friend to catch up on some things we’ve each been learning this summer. I’m continually impressed with the increasing maturity of this friend of mine, humbly recognizing where they’d been at fault recently. This friend will be the kind of person who keeps up with friends long after college, making a point of seeing various people on a regular basis. Though our time was short, it was good to see this person in a new habitat and see how they’re handling the “working world,” and that is with amazing grace and enthusiasm.

My third friend, very different from the first two, was someone I hadn’t seen in almost 12 years. Amazingly, we got along just fine and had a great conversation. Funny how 3rd graders can pick cool friends too. We lead very different lives now, my friend how boasting a strong interest in “political philosophy,” manifest in their love of their think-tank job and strong engagement with the world around them. I loved the excitement of this interaction, getting to basically catch up on 12 years of life, wow, how to go about it? I really hope to stay I touch with this friend though, recognizing how culturally active and just flat-out interesting they are. It was a great afternoon, good to see how generally enthusiastic and friendly this person was.

I have some great friends.

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