Monday, June 12, 2006

Passion by Proxy?

I just finished watching the powerful film "Paradise Now." It is about two Palestinian men about to become suicide bombers in Tel Aviv. It is very compelling and discusses some of the nuances of the conflict, capturing some of the oppression of the Palestinian people. Made me consider the power of propaganda.

I had rented the film because a good friend had recommended it to me, discussing the impact it'd had on them. This got me thinking, myself who has never been to Israel or Palestine or done much more than several internet searches or reading the articles and websites and presentations that friends have sent to me.....I feel fairly passionate about this "issue." Or you could say the Palestinian people. While I say I feel passionate I have a couple of close friends who truly feel very passionate, considering how to devote their lives to this, the liberation or struggle of Israeli occupation. I guess the suicide bombers feel the same way, I wouldn't know.

But I say that I consider that I have at least some marginal sense of this passion, that in an argument I will present the case my friends have versed me in and fight for this "cause" though I know nothing first hand. Is this ok? My passion is probably greater than an enormous portion of the population. But it has not been witnessed, I am going off the words of others. The words of others I trust immensely and feel similar heart stirrings, little god pushes if you will.

Do I impart passion onto others? How many things can we all be expected to hold dear to our hearts? Is there a first passion and then lots of secondary---which is the Palestinian plight for me? Are there third-level passions? Shane would say to forget issues, their importance. To love people, that is the gospel and that is our mission, not to prioritize or focus energy.....this is a great thought, is this practical? Reality?

Are we buying into one another's propoganda or is this how social change works?

I beg for the live off the passion of others, to hope to pass that passion the end it isn't my passion, my good friend's passion, if we were to each own it all separately, nothing would ever change. It's god's passion we can hope to hold.

1 comment:

Marty Purks said...

yes you do impart passion to others! It's a real strength of yours.

In terms of the amt of passions we can have - OK, I believe God leads us to our passions - sometimes from his Word, sometimes from our conscience (w/newspaper, magazines, class lectures, etc) and sometimes from our friends and acquaintances.

He knows how much (how many passions) we can handle...