Monday, June 12, 2006

A nice visit

I spent the weekend with my best friend from high school in Houston. It was so great to not only see the life she's built for herself there but also how she's embraced the surroundings.

I just find it facinating to see what the people I've been so close to for so long end up doing. She's been semi-fluent in spanish for almost 4 years now, giving her the opportunity to work with spanish speaking group working with education in houston (another one of her passions, education). And beyond that, she was contacted by someone about consulting while I was there. For one, amazing that her talent was that evident from one meeting to the point she got a job offer off of it....but also, yet another use of something she's really interested in, seeing psychology put to use.

I am continually facinated with the way the mosaics of our lives are coming together to make one beautiful picture. I think I fall into the misperception that we all have our own mosaic in the making. Maybe its one big human-kind mosaic though, not even the individualistic American way. All interconnected....yeaa sounds like hippie philosophy, but really think about it!

Other comments on the weekend: getting to meet her boyfriend who just fits with her, hard to explain but it just makes sense......and that TEXAS IS HOT! 2 outdoor baseball games.......99+degree heat, yuck, Texas is hot. And its only the 2nd week in June.

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