Sunday, June 18, 2006

6/25 Musings on the Christian hippies

Location: Driving from Tennesse to Southwest Virginia
~note: not sure why all these are getting terribly out of order

I think I'm learning that so far I'm having more respect for the older people in community. Maybe its becasue they don't have the "hippie look." Maybe its because I feel more accepted and the peopel seem more friendly to me.

Another thing I'm learning is that I love interviewing people. Maybe its a part of me that likes prying for the core of someone's being, or at least getting to understand some part of their experience. Is it just b/c I enjoy the subject, people talking about faith?

I wonder if it's an information hunger inside of me--I;d be really reluctant to call myself a good listener, or at least someone who can listen for the total sake of just listening. Can you make a career/future/calling out of a love for interviewing?

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