Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Prophet

Last Thursday one of my friends hosted a dinner with his out of town friend---Stu, a claimed prophet.

I came in with little expectations and left probably feeling all things from surprise, healing, and skepticism.

He had a talent for holding a crowd and spoke to people individually and the group at-large with ease. He talked to one girl next to me about taking hold of the peace of God. I think he was talking about giving her advice to share with others--but he was also speaking to her. It as one of these instances where he would say "God has this to say to you...." Certainly more charismatic than my background.

I believe he opened with "what if I told you you never have to be stressed again?"

I came in tired and a little overworked from Georgetown. I did feel peace from God wash over me as he talked to the girl next to me about peace and letting God take care of problems in our lives.

Next he spoke to me directly. He said I could act as an agent of mercy and forgiveness at Georgetown--speaking the forgiveness of sins and acceptance of unconditional love of God directly into peoples lives. I do believe this would be one of the best things I could do on a campus like Georgetown--speak truth to people and have them feel and experience genuine forgiveness and acceptance. Displaying mercy.....

Besides speaking to some individuals he also talked alot about how God doesn't always have to work within a church building--he had many beliefs and lists about the components of true, good discipleship. I found this funny almost--I'd been praying that someone would help teach me how to disciple others--not just tell me to do it.
Here were his suggestions:
1) seeing the fruits of the spirit (peace, love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, selfcontrol)
2)freeing people from bondage--spiritual bondage, judgment, generational inequity
3)receive the love of God openly
4) Learn that God's love is based in his relationship with you--not in how you perform
*this reminds me of my old IV staff worker's motto Grace plus NOTHING equals right standing with God.

And once we're in this process of making disciples.....not just converts, numbers, members, where do we go next?
1) teach people to avoid things that "make void" the work of God: human tradition, attempts to earn grace, human wisdom
2) teach people kingdom finances: getting out fo debt, tithe, offering
3) basic knowledge of scriptures, teaching disciples to hear god themselves
4) teach a sense of vision for the nature of the church, the function of spiritual gifts in churches
5) teach how to be a servant to God, the people God loves, the people of God

And yet after this great session with this guy helping us experience the peace, presence and power of roommate and I left and talked about being stressed and tired. Will we ever take hold of what God so readily holds out for us?

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