Friday, September 14, 2007

My Birthday

Yesterday was my 23rd birthday. Starting to get to that age where it's no longer super exciting in terms of new opportunities per year....I have cheaper car insurance to look forward to I presume.....

Regardless, I had a wonderful day. At my house in the morning during our daily morning prayer the girls prayed, thanking God for my 23 years of life--how nice! I of course received a traditional singing birthday call from my mother right at 8am on the dot...followed by similar calls from brother and dad later in the day. I got about a bazillion facebook messages.

Last night was great though. About 15 of my friends living the area gathered together to celebrate with me. Almost all were come very different social circles--the girls I live with, people from other DC communities, family, friends from high school, friends from college, coworkers. So many new people.....I had people wearing nametags!

I love the idea of having all the people I love and know well all in one space. My roommate Laura would talk about this often as a dream situation--everyone she loves, all together, getting to know each other. Of course likely the only situation we'll all experience like this will probably be a wedding--or a funeral I guess? But with people scattered across the US and the always seems unlikely.

It was also a great birthday for being in a new place. I remember 4 years ago having my first birthday away from home. My freshman hall came together and really cared for me--throwing me a surprise party and everything! This showed me I did have a community of people who loved me and cared for me......even if it was a really new place....and unfamiliar all the while.

Similarly.....though DC doesn't really feel like home....being surrounded with people who know me and care for me......from as long ago as my birth or middle school......somehow it all just felt right.

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