Friday, August 31, 2007

An Answer to Prayer--frozen yogurt?

So today on campus--having taken my usual really long walk from the bus to campus....I was dead tired. I had all of these things I was carrying.....and I needed to take those things across campus.

I prayed one of those prayers you always feel kind of guilty praying--like you're testing God. I said God--send me a student I know to come take these things from me so I don't have to walk across campus right now.

And of course--he did! Not only did I run into one of my students who was walking across campus right where the baked goods needed to be--but also she had already gotten me frozen yogurt from the dinning hall(my favorite, vanilla soft serve, hint hint).

So God not only meets needs--he also exceeds our expectations. And with the loving care that only a good friend would have. I didn't just need a resting break--I'd thrive with some good frozen yogurt.

1 comment:

nate nichols said...

that's a great story for the beginning of your time on campus, although if you're already encouraging your students to bribe you with soft serve, it could be a long year:)