Sunday, August 19, 2007

Song Dedication

So my college friends are a little weird. We call ourselves WMHHA (William and Mary Head Hunters Association).....we have a weekly TTT (totally tubular Thursday)....a few videos to our name....and a yearly CD. On each CD each member of our group gets a song dedicated to them--to encompass "who they are."

Looking at this year's selection the cd-people made for me....I'm struck by how I changed over my time in college.

My freshman year Tore gave me the song: Spindoctor's "little miss can't be wrong"
sophomore year, don't know what happened
but somewhere in there I made a significant shift in my life....
junior year: I got Bob Marley's "Redemption Song"
senior year: "World's on Fire" by Sarah McLachlan

You can see.......I went from well........something else to social causes interesting shift to see how my friends picked up on it as well.

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