Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Last Large Group

Similar in format to the last large group of the year we had at William and Mary, last night's large group was a "sharing" large group.

Anyone was allowed to speak about how God had been working in their life during the year.

What an amazing time!
I heard stories of students moving from skepticism and criticism of Christians to people of faith, students realizing the call to "make disciples" and serve other students in ministry, students challenging other students to be deeply involved in other's struggles.....

One student spoke about how he'd given up underage drinking and partying because when he got involved in Christian community he actually found time serving God to be better! He said "what I thought was making me happy wasn't doing was like I was living 2 lives. Now I can live one life, and I've realized I'm the happiest when I'm serving!"

Several shared verses about seeing how God's grace or goodness is sufficient for them in times of weakness, coming to Georgetown and realizing they don't really have everything together...and that's ok!

I was excited to see how many people spoke about the impact of others in the group on them--either being served by others or doing Bible study together, how people had broken down Christian stereotypes or loved them in times of need.....what a cool manifestation of Christian community on campus here! Praise God.

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