Thursday, April 17, 2008

Catholic book club

For a few months now I've been attending monthly book clubs with a catholic non-profit group.
This past Monday we read Peter Maurin, Easy Essays. Peter Maurin was one of the founders of the Catholic Worker movement--it was great to read some of his essays first hand and be challenged again by many of the critiques of the modern charity, church that lead me to where I am today.

Check out some of these:

Passing The Buck--An Easy Essay by Peter Maurin

1. In the first centuries of Christianity
the poor were fed, clothed, and sheltered

at a personal sacrifice

and the Pagans

said about the Christians:

     "See how they love each other."

2. Today the poor are fed, clothed, and sheltered
by the politicians
at the expense
of the taxpayers.

3. And because the poor
are no longer
fed, clothed, and sheltered
at a personal sacrifice
but at the expense
of taxpayers
Pagans say about Christians:
"See how they pass the buck."

1 comment:

Jason Pfeifer said...


I noticed you were talking about book clubs, and that you are setting them up on a monthly basis.

I’m Jason and my partners and I have just launched a new website called We’ve been working on this for a while as a free way for people to create book clubs and reading clubs, to choose books, create meetings, and discuss them both online and in person.

It’s a free service, and we’re looking to get the word out about it and get feedback from people about how it works and how we can improve it.

Please have a look at and feel free to write about it and use it if you like!

