Saturday, August 12, 2006

Christian Hippies #7

Location: Camden, NJ

I've come "full circle" some people said to me as I told them I was coming back to Camden for my last set of interviews, and that I would be ending both my tour and my project here in this location.

First, its weird to be back in this city. There's some kind of energy here, something about this place that draws me in. I am sad I am inside at a computer, yet its the kind of place that confuses me....for me to just go sit outside, for instance, is not really an option here. There is the park where the drug dealers and alcoholics sit, when I walk the streets people assume I'm a prostitute (as many white girls in the neighborhood are), there are no restaurants or places even to buy things that I could casually enter. It is not an easy place to engage with.

However, I am still drawn here. I had an odd situation trying to get a cab to come down to this section of the city. For starters, I got into the cab and forgot (because it looked like a regular car) that in most cabs the passenger sits in the back. The guy driving the cab seemed taken a-back that I would sit next to him and try to talk to him. He also questioned why I wanted to go to that part of the city, he said he'd pegged me for a Cherry Hill/Collinsworth or some other place kind of person. I joyfully told him I was here to see a few friends.

Is it possible to seek out a career in evangelizing the public to the fact not only that places like south camden exist....but also that there are real people there, with real lives?

So down in Waterfront South area, after settling into the Fellowship House, I went over to where two members of the community were living. We did the interview in stages and several locations, taking time inbetween to see a "yes...and!" production at Urban Promise headquarters. This morning I went to the larger house next door for my last interview (at least I think).

By this point none of the questions change, and I've become very accustomed to the rhythm of the interview, for the most part, people's responses don't shock me maybe as they did before. I have to be careful not to let out information about other places too much and also to keep from leading the interview in a prescribed direction of any kind.

One question that did come up this time was the "sustainability" of living life in Waterfront South. Its a difficult area, there aren't places really to play and enjoy. Camden is Camden, its not like other cities where people say there are certain sections of town "you should aviod"--many people feel they should avoid the city entirely. That attitude hurts my heart, but its not surprising. Some are beginning to question if they can grow old here, have children here, plan to live out life in such an intense neighborhood. Many of the other communites are not in such extreme areas, this some see as part of their sustainability.

However, who will go to the Camdens of this country? Somehow its actually become kind of trendy and sexy to come see what its like here, spend some time around the communities here......but I think we all know that feeling won't last. Is this whole new-monastic thing about coming to the abandoned places of this country.....or is it more about community living.....discovering "another way of life"......or pursuing the kingdom of God........not that any of those things are necessarily mututally exclusive either.

I am trying to discern what it was/is that keeps this place and these people so fresh in my mind. I would say its the slant on the really abanonded places of the world that was the initial spark....but even that comes into question. Some say its the overly enthusiastic young people who want to come to Camden, only to find out maybe they can't last that way for life.

But still who will go for us? Who will He send?

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