Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Jesus for President hits DC!

The "Jesus for President" book tour hit DC this past weekend. With over 500 in attendance, it was a great meeting place for people of all ages from many different churches and organizations all over the city!

Because I've followed the "New monastic" group some for the past couple of years, I'm pretty familiar with the group that came into town. It's always interesting to see the evolution of thought and honestly, also the staying-power of some of these people. Seeing the transience of life in the DC area especially--knowing that almost 4 years ago I went to Camden and met a house of 8 of which I believe 5 or 6 still live in the neighborhood--well that's becoming a powerful witness!

Basically a synopsis set to music of the book, Jesus for President chronicled the story of God's people--from beginning in an idyllic garden into a set apart people from Egypt, exile in Babylon to the coming of Jesus to earth. We saw how God asks the question of not which political party to choose--but how will we engage (or should we?) engage the political system? What would it mean to hope in the church to make change in the world? Are we still supposed to be a set apart people today?

It was challenging to many visitors on lots of levels--and what an honor and priviledge for me to be involved in the organizing of the event!

CNN even recently highlighted the event and surrounding energy:

1 comment:

Jeff Thomas said...


On Thursday night, Belinda and I went to Jesus for President at White's Chapel UMC in Southlake, Texas. It was wonderful!! Very refreshing and exciting!! It's a fine thing that the church provided the opportunity for the presentation of this desparately needed perspective on the Bible, and how it requires us to help the poor and support peace.

The program included wonderful, unusual singing and music!! There was a large, enthusiastic crowd there, mostly young but some other old timers like us, too. Belinda saw some people walk out. But that's okay; lots walked out on Jesus and a lot more would if they really had to confront what he said -- as Shane is getting them to do.

I was very interested in the slide quoting Hitler as using Jesus's cleansing of the Temple as justification for the Nazi's deadly program against the Jews. This act of Jesus is often used to justify war, without recognition that Jesus did not kill or harm anyone.

The pledges to Jesus in the latter part of the program provided balance to all the times I have pledged allegiance to the flag of the United States.

We are thankful to you and your parents for letting us know about Jesus for President and supporting such truly faith-based programs.

Jeff Thomas