Monday, June 18, 2007

6/13/2007: Nutrient Deficiency in the House?

So like any college student home for a long summer with less than normal social interaction—I am always in search of new ways to occupy my time. Also as a certified multi-tasker I have a difficulty doing just one thing at once—I’ve heard it’s a woman thing.

So in the midst of all my InterVarsity thank you notes and regular communication, I went to the Southlake library and looked for a movie to check out.

One problem—I don’t like movies. But I do like watching TV programs—especially on DVD format—no commercials, no waiting a week. Great especially for those series that don’t have any definite plot line from episode to episode as well. Shows like CSI fit this format well—so does HOUSE my recent TV program of choice.

In one week I managed to watch two entire seasons of the show—approximately 24 or more episodes? I’m not really sure. But it’s taken a small toll on my psyche.

It’s a doctor’s diagnostics show. He gets cases of what they believe to be one ailment—only to discover another much more exciting reason for the person’s hospitalization. This has left me thinking disaster will strike at any moment. When someone sneezes—do they really have a strange tropical disease? Or—as common in the show—are they hiding some pregnancy or drug addiction from those around them?

So to set the stage, here comes me feeling rather weak this past week. I started thinking up all the odd things that could be wrong with me. I also started investigating the ins and outs of a vegetarian diet and its effects on nutrient levels.

After googling “light headed” and “vegetarian” I found the likely culprit—an Iron deficiency. I went to the store and bought a multivitamin. But I can’t help but wonder if it’s actually some other crazy problem with my body instead…..

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